Lec 2 | MIT 6.00 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming, Fall 2008

2022. 6. 2. 21:46카테고리 없음

operators and operands,

in particular branching, conditionals, and iteration.


no matter how complex a data structure we create, and we're going to create a variety of data structures, fundamentally all of them have their basis, their atomic level if you like, are going to be some combinations of numbers, of strings, and the third type, which are booleans, which I'm going to introduce a little later on in this lecture.


type conversion

That is, if I want to combine two things together in a particular way, I need to make sure that I give it the kind of operand it expects.


The colon is important It's defining the beginning of a block of instructions. What that colon is saying is, I'm about to begin a sequence of instructions that I want to treat as a block.



assignment, evaluate (mostly)variable value,